Navarra Arena hosts the largest Karate competition in the world, where the best athletes from over 40 countries will gather. There will be 20 teams for each of the four categories. The competition will take place over 3 days following the Round Robin system in the elimination rounds, from which the semi-finalists will be determined during the first two days of the competition. The final day will be filled with the excitement of all the finals and medal ceremonies.


Friday 22nd: 9:00 AM to 7:30 PM

Saturday 23rd: 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM

Sunday 24th: 11:00 AM to 6:30 PM


Tickets are on sale and the prices for the event are:

  • Friday, November 22nd: 20.00 euros.

  • Saturday, November 23rd: 20.00 euros.

  • Sunday, November 24th: 25.00 euros.

  • 3-day pass: 50.00 euros.

Children under 6 years old enter for free with a prior invitation collected at the ticket office. Discounts:

National and Regional Federations with CODE: 10% discount until 31/8 and from September 1st to 30st, a 5% discount.

Pack of 3: 10% discount

Pack of 4: 10% discount


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All people must access the pavilion with ticket.

Ticket FAQ

Venta en canales externos a Navarra Arena. Más información en el canal de venta de entradas.

Personas movilidad reducida

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